Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

I just wanted to take a quick minute (or two, or three...) to celebrate this important day. I don't think I have ever realized how important this day was, until the past few years. I began to see how amazing was the works of God in the freedom of our country. How he put every piece in place and helped those important men to write the Declaration of Independence and to found our country on the principles it needed.

So, I just wanted to say...

Happy Independence Day!

May God work use us in a way to glorify Him.

Have a blessed day,

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Problem

I can't describe what happens to me when I get on to post on this blog.

I start out with a wonderful idea, think about it for awhile, and then I do....nothing. :|

"Oh, I will write it tomorrow," I say, "I'm too tired..." Really? Then what explains the hour long of playing the piano after getting off the computer. Or the two hours of reading a new book. I think I have a problem, it is called...

Procrastination (Duh, Duh, Duhhhhhh) :)

You see, as I have gotten older, I have come to realize that I don't always do things right off. For example:

"I think I will clean my closet tomorrow, that way it will be nice and organized..."

Next morning,
"Awww, well, it looks fine enough, besides I need to go practice my piano." ;)

So, what am I to do?

First off, God has given me my time, and he expects me to use it wisely. So I need to own up to the fact that I have this problem, and work towards "eliminating the problem" as Daddy would say.

Secondly, one day I am going to be judged, and I am going to be held accountable for the ways I have used my time. And, instead of standing up in front of God and saying "Yep, I did as much as I could in the time you gave me," I will say "I was a good steward of my time, and of everything you have given me."

So I have been working on my "problem," and as a result of that...this blog post. :) I had regretted trying to get on and start writing again, simply because I didn't "feel like it." But now that I have actually written this post, I "feel" so much better. :)

In Him,

P.S. No harm intended to pianists, I myself am one so I was giving an example of what usually happens (should I say happened :) to me. God Bless, Kristin