Monday, April 2, 2012

I guess I'm pretty versatile...

...because I got an award!

Thank you so much Melody!  Wow, I have never received an award for writing--or blogging--before.

(Well, I guess there was that one time Mommy gave me a sticker for writing "Massachusetts" correctly in a spelling bee when I was 10, but that doesn't count. :-))

Okay, on to the award...

There are a few rules I am supposed to follow for this award:
  • Thank the award-giver and link back to their site. (check.)
  • Share 7 random things about yourself. (almost check...)
  • Nominate 5 fellow bloggers. (here ya go...)
-Jean Marie from Sweet Life Under The Savior.  Thank you so much for trying to glorify the Lord in all you do.  You may not remember, but thank you for answering my email. :-)
-Tara, Kelly, & Elizabeth from Daughters of Vision.  You guys are a great encouragement to me.
-Breezy from a bowl of moss and pebbles.  God has blessed you with such a gift for art.  Thank you for using it to glorify Him.
-Amanda from Quintessential Ink.  We miss you in Advanced Comp!
-Abagail from abigail anne. You take amazing pictures!  I hope we can keep in touch after class (AC) ends. :-)

Okay, on to the beast.  Seven random things about myself.
  1. I'm a toe-walker.  Which means that without shoes, I walk on the balls of my feet.  However, because of this I got great balancing skills.
  2. I used to be terribly shy.  As in "oh no the person expects me to say something I think I will just stare at my shoes instead" kind of shy.  Hopefully I have grown in my communication skills. 
  3. Continuing on with that subject, it is easier for me to write my feelings than to tell them.  I don't know why it is easier for me to write, maybe the fact that I can (over) process what I write makes it easier. :-) But if I want to have a deep discussion with someone, I normally write it out first.
  4. I have different colored eyes.  They are both green, but one has more hazel/golden tones than the other (like the bottom picture on here).  Obviously it is not a drastic difference, but if you look really close, you can see it.  
  5. I can raise my right eyebrow by itself (see below).  One of my brothers calls it my Quasimodo face (and yes, I am a Victor Hugo fan. mostly.). 
  6. I get very determined (read:stubborn) and competitive about certain things.  In some cases it is good--such as trying to reach a goal.  But don't play "Connect Four" with me (trying to work on this). :-)
  7. 75% of my music library consists of music without lyrics: mostly symphony, piano, guitar, or strings.  40% of that 75% consists of movie soundtracks.  Give me some "Pride & Prejudice," "Mary Poppins," or "Chronicles of Narnia" any day!
No, I am not mad (and thanks to Trey for capturing my, uh, lovely face).

That was so fun!  Now you truly know seven very random facts about me. :-)  Thanks again Melody for giving me this award!

In Him,


Abi said...

Awww, thanks so much Kristin! I am honored to receive this award. :) I'll have to pass it on. :)


Unknown said...

Your welcome Kristin! I loved your post.:)