Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Again!

It snowed again! In Texas! This is a record for Texas it has snowed four times here. This time it got up to eight inches. I took several pictures. But I will spare you all of them. :)

Everything looks so beautiful under a blanket of snow.

Our chicken house under snow.

Nathan and I. It was pretty cold while we were taking this pictures.

This was our snowman, it was a little taller than Daddy! Trey is posing next to it.

Ryan, Ashlyn, and Nathan wanted to make another smaller snowman. This was the beginning of it. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of the finished product.

Ashlyn posing with Alex, our cat.

Trey and Nathan rolling a ball of snow. We were working on building a fort. I think we rolled around eight of these not including the snowman.

Still in progress...

Finished! Ashlyn, Ryan, and Nathan are posing behind it. This was one base. We built another one on the other side so we could have a snowball fight.

I didn't ever want to forget the snow is why I took so many pictures. I was glad to have snow, but now that it is over I'm ready for Spring!

In Him,


Shelby said...

they're beautiful. haha! we made a really big snow fort when it snowed last year. In Louisiana of all places.


Keilah said...

AH! No fair! We here over in Washington have only gotten one small dusting all winter! Have fun though! I know you don't get it much... {smile}


K.E.A. said...

Yes, we had so much fun with it! It was the first time in two years we have gotten this much snow.