Monday, July 11, 2011

Colorado Trip

For the past week and three days, our family has traveled to the wonderful city of Castle Rock, Colorado. Over the next few posts I would like to share some pictures from that trip.

I love Colorado soo much! The mountains are gorgeous and the weather is even more so, it only got up to the nineties on one day. The only downside is the long drive. Either we spend a lot of money on a flight, or we spend less on a thirteen hour drive. Usually we get up around 3:00-4:00 am in the morning and make the long haul in one day, oh well I think Colorado is worth it. :)

At the end of the day (Thursday, June 30th), when we were an hour from Castle Rock, Mommy surprised me by meeting a dear friend at the nearby Cracker barrel.

You may remember her from here (the second picture). Now she is pregnant with a baby boy!
I was so blessed to see her again. It was really the highlight of the long day of driving. That, plus stepping out of the car and being blasted with upper sixty, lower seventy degree weather (I literally squealed!).

The next day (Friday, July 1st) we just relaxed, and enjoyed the weather. But on Saturday we drove to Golden State Park and hiked one of the mountains there. Above is a picture of a house on the way up to the mountain we were going to hike. I was slightly jealous, that person has an amazing view!

This is a photo of the mountain we climbed, it may not look like much but it was about a 6.5 mile hike. We all were a little tired, but still invigorated at the end. We went all the way to that clump of rocks at the top of the mountain on the left.
Before the hike.
Ryan so cute with his hat and backpack!
Daddy and Mommy. I love them. :)
Mr. Mountain Man, sort-of pretending like he was climbing a rock. Mostly he thought it was a cool picture (and of course he is wearing his Sound of Music shirt :) )

Nana and Papa (Daddy's parents) resting.
After we finished the hike we ate lunch, and drove to nearby historic Georgetown. Once we arrived we enjoyed walking around and looking at the neat history of this little town. We visited an old soda fountain, a candy store and a little antique store.
Ashlyn enjoying her lollypop. :)
We finished the day by eating supper at Beau Jo's Cafe. It was kind of like a pizza parlor but you had dinner and dessert in one piece of pizza. You would eat the pizza, and the crust you would dip in honey! We had never eaten there before, but a friend recommended it so we decided to try it. It was pretty good!

Waiting for our pizza.

I think that is good for one day.

In Him,

Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day

I can't imagine the celebration back when the Declaration of Independence was signed.  Celebration mingled with heartache for the war and heartache that was brewing.

I can't imagine how much pressure the Founding Fathers underwent in order to produce the Declaration of Independence knowing the joy and sorrow it would bring.

"Let tyrants shake their iron rod,
And Slav’ry clank her galling chains,
We fear them not, we trust in God,
New England’s God forever reigns.
Howe and Burgoyne and Clinton too,
With Prescot and Cornwallis join’d,
Together plot our Overthrow,
In one Infernal league combin’d.
When God inspir’d us for the fight,
Their ranks were broke, their lines were forc’d,
Their ships were Shatter’d in our sight,
Or swiftly driven from our Coast.
The Foe comes on with haughty Stride;
Our troops advance with martial noise,
Their Vet’rans flee before our Youth,
And Gen’rals yield to beardless Boys.
What grateful Off’ring shall we bring? What shall we render to the Lord? Loud Halleluiahs let us Sing, And praise his name on ev’ry Chord."

I pray that you would remember this day for what it truly is.  

Happy Independence Day

In Him,

America the Beautiful

 O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet

Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare of freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved

In liberating strife.
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!

O beautiful for patriot dream

That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea! 

Photo Credit: 1,2 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Hills are Alive!

"Maria's Back! "-My Favorite Things
One of the reasons I haven't been posting very often is because of an activity that myself and my brother participated in.  After many years of persuading from good friends, we finally decided to try the theater. :)

In our town, the community theater put on the play the Sound of Music.  My violin teacher had asked to play violin in the orchestra, so we figured if I was going to be up at the theater all the time, why not Trey too?  So he tried out and got the part of Friedrich. 
"So, A needle pulling thread! " -Do, Re, Mi 
 It was sooo much fun. :)

First of all getting to play the music from the Sound of Music was such an honor.  I have grown up with the movie and was incredibly excited when my teacher asked me to be in the orchestra.  I loved hearing all the singing and acting.  Our last performance was this past weekend, and although I was sad for it to be over, I will always remember what a wonderful experience it was. 

"O ho lay dee odl lee o, o ho lay dee odl ay"-  The Lonely Goatherd
I think Trey had fun too. :)  I was his first acting experience (onstage that is, this boy is hilarious all the time anyway),  he did a wonderful job. :)  He has really been blessed with singing and acting talents and it was fun getting to see him use them.

Now, I want to share a few of my favorite pictures (no pun intended :)) and characters.

Elsa and the Captain.  Elsa was one of my absolute favorite characters.  She got to be glamorous, and all in all was almost to lovable for this part.  I almost wished she prevails, but of course that would change the story. :)

Of course, the wonderful singing of the nuns.  It was absolutely amazing!

The End. I could share more pictures, but I think this is good. :)

In Him,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Chance to Die

Now first off, I definitely do not claim to be a professional book reviewer or anything, but I do think I know when I have read a good book.  A Chance to Die is one of those books.  It had been recommended to me a long time ago, but before recently I had a problem (Ahem...) with reading books that were not just entertainment (I would get lost in those stories and I didn't want to read anything else.  While I do think that some fictional books are good at certain times, I personally have been trying to read books that challenge me to think more.).  So, after I finished my recent R.M. Ballatyne book, I eagerly started on this one.

My goodness, of all the eye-opening books out there, this has to be one of them.

Elizabeth Elliot clearly points out how God works in Amy Carmichael.  Elliot outlines Amy's life from childhood to "Amma" in India, with quotes, poems, and songs written by Amy throughout the book.  Elizabeth Elliot truly

brings to life the story of Amy Carmichael in a way I have never read before.

"'Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.' How often I think we ought.  NO sugary sentiment there.  Just the stern, glorious trumpet call, OUGHT.  But can words tell the joy buried deep within? Mine cannot.  It laughs at words."-Amy Carmichael, letter written in the Old Forest House, 1922

I know one thing that I loved about this book was how I got to read Amy's thoughts.  I got to see her struggles,  her prayers, her earnest desires to seek after God.   I think that God gives us examples of  true missionaries, like Amy Carmichael, to help us see how to fully rely on Him, and to show us how He glorifies Himself through one of His children.

"Crown Him the Son of Man/ Who every grief hath known/ That wrings the human breast/ And takes and bears them for His own/ That all in Him may rest." - Mathew Bridges

I think that Elizabeth Elliot best describes the example of Amy Carmichael in her own words in the preface of the book.

"To Amy Carmichael I owe what C.S. Lewis said he owed to George MacDonald: as great a debt as one can owe another.  I cannot pay it.  But it is my hope that this biography will introduce its subject to a generation which has not has the privilege that was mine.  Amy Carmichael became for me what some now call a role model.  She showed me the shape of godliness.  For a time, I suppose, I thought she must have been perfect, and that was good enough for me.  As I grew up I knew she could not have been perfect, and that was better, for it meant that I might possibly walk in her footsteps." -Elizabeth Elliot (emphasis added)

So, I highly recommend this book to you.  I pray it will bless you as it has me.

In Him,

photo credit: 1st photo, 2nd photo, 3rd photo

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Real Woman

This was taken off The Rebelution Blog.  I found it very inspiring (plus a little daunting), so I wanted to share it with you.  Anyway, so on to the post! :)

A real woman . . .
…is glad she’s a woman and rejoices in her femininity, expressing it through her attitude, appearance and bearing.
(1 Timothy 2:9-10)
…does not compete for equality with men or chafe at God’s design for male and female, but delights in and understands the importance of her calling to complement man’s role. (1 Timothy 2:11-12, Ephesians 5:22-24)
…values the cultivation of her mind and diligently seeks after wisdom and knowledge. (Proverbs 22:17-21, 2:2-6)
…realizes her imperative need to allow the Holy Spirit to control her emotions and expressions of them. (James 1:19-20)
…does not wallow in self-pity or make a habit of voicing complaints, but radiates cheerfulness and joy. (Proverbs 15:15, Proverbs 17:22)
A real woman . . .
…appreciates her father’s protection, and respects and submits to his authority. In so doing, she is preparing herself to exercise the Biblical role in her relationship with a possible future husband.
(Ephesians 5:33-6:3, 1 Peter 3:1-2)
…is trustworthy and gains the respect of those around her. (Proverbs 31:11)
…restrains herself from listening to, or participating in gossip, but instead speaks with wisdom and discretion. (Proverbs 11:12-13, 22, 20:19, 3:11)
…encourages and builds up those around her instead of criticizing and tearing them down. (1 Thessalonians 5:11, Ephesians 4:29)
…does not have a nagging, contentious or manipulative manner in which she deals with others. (Judges 16:16, Proverbs 21:9, 19, 26:21)
…is not boisterous or loud in her speech or actions but is characterized by a gentle and quiet spirit. (Proverbs 9:13, 1 Peter 3:4)
A real woman . . .
…portrays chastity, modesty and reverence in her manner, and wears the ornament of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is her true beauty.
(1 Peter 3:3-4, Titus 2:4-5)
…is not offended by respect shown her through gentlemanly courtesies (opening doors, etc.) but cultivates the differences between the sexes that make her worthy of this deference. (1 Peter 3:7, Mark 10:6)
…seeks to make God her number one desire and the Lover of her soul, knowing that only He can fully satisfy. (Psalm 73:25, Psalm 63:1)
…uses her years of singleness to seek and serve God without distraction, and is content to leave the details of her future to Him. (Psalm 73:25, Philippians 4:11)
A real woman . . .
…does not relate to members of the opposite sex in a flirtatious or forward manner, but instead saves all her passion for her future husband.
(Thessalonians 4:3-8, Proverbs 6:25, 1 Corinthians 7:1)
…holds her virginity before marriage sacred and will not compromise it for anything. (This one goes for guys too) (1 Timothy 5:22)

Goodness, I have a lot to work on.  Every time I read the list, it seems more impossible every time.  But then I realized, it is not for me to work towards alone.  God is my ultimate guide,  He will help me to become the woman that He wants me to be.  I hope this encourages you, I know it does me. 

In Him,

Sunday, June 19, 2011

About Fathers

So, since today is Father's Day I thought I would do a  post in order to honor all the most important "Father's" in my life.

Disclaimer: I just wanted to say Happy Father's Day to my wonderful grandfathers as well.  I love you all very much. :) 

Of course, the first Father I should talk about is my Heavenly Father.  The Father who created the world, who created me.  The Father who made me His daughter.  Who continually leads me closer to Him.  Who seeks for me, and points me into the Narrow Way.

"The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul;
The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.  
The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever;
The judgments of the LORD are true; they are righteous altogether.
They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.
Who can discern his errors? Acquit me of hidden faults.
Also keep back Your servant from presumptuous
Let them not rule over me;
Then I will be blameless,
And I shall be acquitted of great transgression.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer. "-Psalm 19:7-14

Now I want to talk about a group of Fathers that not many people think about on Father's Day.  But these fathers were, and still are, incredibly important to me.

Our Founding fathers and the men that founded our Nation deserve to be thought about on Father's Day.  Most of these men were devout Christians, and they were passionate about their God their Country.

 "It is impossible to rightly govern the nation without God,
and the Bible. "-George Washington

These men were good fathers, and good husbands. They cared about the welfare of our nation.  They prayed for our Nation.  So on Father's Day remember these men.


Now about my Daddy. :)

  • My Daddy is so considerate.  
  • He can read me like a book.  
  • He knows when I am happy, sad, mischievous, ...and on and on. 
  • He doesn't care about getting embarrassed while doing things with, as a matter of fact he loves to embarrass us children (in a good way of course :)).  
  • He jokes with us, encourages us, works with us. 
  • He loves Mommy with his life.  
  • He loves us too, of course. :)  
  • He gives the best hugs, and back massages. 
  • He encourages us to read our Bibles, to exercise, work diligently in our school and in our chores.  
  • He instructs us out of the Bible, he disciplines us, he teaches us how to solve conflicts.  
  • He loves all of his family so much. :)
  • ...and he's my Daddy!

There is so much more I can write you Daddy, but I think I will just say this:

For  "He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. " -Malachi 4:6 

I love you Daddy.

Happy Father's Day
In Him,

photo credit: 1st photo, 2nd photo

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Odds and Ends

Well, as you can tell there are a few changes to the blog.  Also, I haven't written in forever.

Well, life gets to you and time goes by,  and things more important are being discovered and well...
sometimes something like a blog gets put on a back burner.

I admire those young ladies who are continually encouraging me by what they write in their posts. However, I have found that while I do love to blog, I don't always find it easy to keep up my inspiration with the posts.  So it ends up being several months between my blog posts.

The reason I am writing this, is to kind of explain a little of how I feel about blogging (and to make excuses about the length between posts, of course. :)).  I guess in a way it is me trying to say that I will try and blog when I can, but when I don't, I promise I haven't fallen off the face of the earth :). I am just simply trying to enjoy my wonderful life as best as I can and sometimes,  I forget to write about it. :)

So to switch gears entirely...

Summer is in full swing here at my home.  Long gone are the days of lovely 60 degree weather, cool breezes, being able to walk outside and not be knocked over by a heatwave. :)  While my light colored skin does seem to do better in the before mentioned weather, I am glad it is summer.  There is just something about this season the just makes me think of swimming, lakes, popsicles, gardening, watermelon, flip-flops, family vacations, laughter, homemade ice-cream, floppy sun-hats, and all the glorious, glorious fun of summer. 

Also in the summer I get this sewing and reading craze where I want to sew everything up, and read anything I can get my hands on in our home.  Right now, before I move on to a wonderful, amazing, gloriously long book list, I have been reading through some different R.M. Ballantyne novels.  I love them because they are Godly, historical fiction with an emphasis on strengths and weaknesses of people through varying times of history.  I have always like the more "old-fashioned" books, for lack of a better word.  You know, that time of books like Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott, or the first publishing of the Nancy Drew Series or Hardy Boy's Series, to give a wide range of books.  It is just something about the innocence of those kinds of books that greatly appeal to me.

So now, with this conclusion of the first introduction to blogging in several months over, I bid you all Adieu for the night. :)

In Him,
Kristin Elizabeth