Well, I'm not even going to say it. Except that I know it's been a
little while.
Anyway, the Alexander household has been quite busy lately. Just in May alone did we finish raising 250 chickens, received the surprise of eight Great Pyrenees puppies (sooo adorable), celebrated Mom and Ashlyn's birthdays, finished school for the spring, participated in a wedding (I was Maid of Honor actually), studied for the big tests and small ones, had my first student piano recital, played in four recitals of my own, graduated from our "Homeschool" High School (say that five times fast), attended three other graduations, applied for scholarships, and somehow managed to fit eating, sleeping, and breathing into everything.
I also decided to be absolutely crazy, and sign up for twelve hours of summer courses at college. But hey, nine of those hours are music theory classes, and piano lessons. So...I'm good. But
I'll let you know in August. ;)
But anyway, we had one week where our whole family didn't have
anything planned. So, we decided to take an impromptu trip to the lake. Besides the fact the it rained at least everyday (and every night...at like, three in the morning), it was a blast and I loved every second.
I loved being able to see the sunset over the lake every night. Every night brought a brand new spectacular view. Every sunset was different - some were more colorful, others were more subdued. Some had brilliant flaming colors, and other times you could barely tell the difference between the reds, blues, greens, purples, oranges, and yellows.
And for a photographer, it was nice. :) But even if I wasn't, I am always amazed by God's creation by sunsets. They just seem to give a small tidbit of the glory that is coming.
We camped in tents for the first night, but then our grandfather blessed us by letting us borrow his camper. It was so nice to not have to worry to much about making sure rain wouldn't carry us off. It almost did once in the tents, but thankfully I have brothers and a father who will make sure those stakes are
down. But, things did end up a little wet, and so it was nice to have the camper to sleep in.
We also got to borrow our Dad's Uncle's boat. Oh my goodness, few feelings can describe that of riding on the very front of the boat. The wind blowing, the sun gleaming over the lake, the cool spray...
bliss. I loved it, and I can't wait until next time.
Another view of a sunset from our campsite. Again, completely gorgeous. |
But you know another great part? Was able to be
right next to the lake. From where we were camping, it was a two minute walk to the lakeside. I ended up spending everything from my afternoons there, late evenings there, and even got to talk on the phone with a dear friend of mine while walking alongside the lake. Needless to say, the morning we were back home I was somewhat sad. I know it seems silly, but it was just so peaceful there. Great place to take a break from technology, school, books, business, and just chill.
...And lots of reading of course. I finally want to tackle some more books from my, ahem, somewhat long (
eight-ish pages long) booklist. But again, that whole summer classes thing has been a bit time consuming. :)
So anyway, here are a few pictures from our week at the lake.
So I might be obsessed with the clouds. And the lake. And both together. |
Photo credit by Nathan. :) |
They are getting so big. My goodness. |
Writing in the sand. |
I love her little curls. |
And of course, we did a little jumping off rocks too. |